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shaExposition William Shakespeare


* There are very few documented facts in the life of William Shakespeare. What I can say is that he was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, on April 26, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616.

* William Shakespeare was a playwright, poet and English actor.

* Shakespeare is considered the most important writer in the English language and one of the most famous in world literature.

* He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare, a prosperous merchant who reached a prominent position in the town, and Mary Arden, who was descended from a family ancestry.

* He was born when his family lived in Henley Street in Stratford, no one knows the exact day, because only then did the act of baptism, April 26.

* Shakespeare's father, who was at the height of its prosperity when William was born, soon fell out of favor. Accused of illegal trade in wool, lost his position in the government of the municipality.


* William Shakespeare probably

attended his first studies at the local primary school, the Stratford Grammar School, in the center of his hometown, which had made ​​him an intensive education in Latin grammar and literature.

On November 28, 1582, when he was 18 years old, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, 26. Apparently there was a hurry to conclude the wedding, maybe because Anne was three months pregnant. After marriage, there is little trace of William Shakespeare in the historical record until he makes his appearance on the London stage.

* On May 26, 1583, the couple's eldest daughter, Susanna, was baptized in Stratford. A son, Hamnet , and a daughter, Judith, born twins, were also baptized shortly after the February 2, 1585 .

* In 1596, just eleven years old, Hamnet died, only son of the writer, who was buried in Stratford on 11 August of that same year. Some critics have argued that his son's death may have inspired Shakespeare Hamlet composition (to 1601), a work rewriting oldest, unfortunately, has not survived.


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