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Enviado por   •  19 de Febrero de 2015  •  304 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  201 Visitas

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Pascal’s ´principle

11. One of the most common applications of Pascal’s principle, the hydraulic elevator relates applied force to the area of two pistons connected between them. In a hydraulic elevator showed on drawing the area of piston 2 is 3 times bigger than the area of piston 1. Justify the answers to each one of the following questions.

A) If piston 1 is applied 100 Pa of pressure. What pressure will be applied on piston 2?

b) If the relation between areas is 1:3. Which relation will be between the forces?

Archimedes’ principle

Archimedes’ principle is related to the force that a liquid pushes any object sunk in it, having the volume of the displaced liquid and density of liquid and gravity. So, if E is the buoyant force:

E= Pliquid gVdisplaced

12. We sink an object of 1m in a liquid. What volume of liquid is evacuated of displace? Justify your answer.


13. if the density of a liquid changes from 600 kg/m^3 to 900 kg/m^3, what would happen with the buoyant force, what gets a sunk object in it? Justify your answer.


14. Three objects having the same volume are sunk in the same liquid, but each one of them is sunk in a different depth. What can you conclude about the objects densities? Which one is the most or the least dense?


15. Check again the exploratory activity that you answer about a hypothetic situation where a person swims in a pool on the moon. Using what you have learned, answer it again and compare it with the previous one.


16. The liquid and any other submerge object densities determine if an object floats or sinks. Sea water density is 1030 kg/m^3 and steel density is 7850 kg/m^3, how can the buoyant force increase in order a 10,000 tons steel ship floats on the sea?



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