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Hamlet’s summary

Enviado por   •  24 de Abril de 2023  •  Resúmenes  •  378 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  106 Visitas

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The story begins in a castle in the kingdom of Elsinore, placed in Denmark which has just crowned a new king, because of the death of the former King, father of Hamlet the prince of the kingdom, which is melancholic because his mother married his uncle right after his father’s death and this is devastating him. Meanwhile his uncle sended his messengers Voltemand and Cornelius with a letter to the king of Norway due to the threat of Fortimbras of attacking Elsinore.

Later that day Hamlet’s friends Horatio, Marcellus and Barnardo visit him with an unusual anecdote, and because they are soldiers, they have to guard the castle, but three nights ago it was different because they saw the king’s ghost, that’s why he came to visit Hamlet, the prince very excited told the boys they had to meet in the castle walls just before midnight. Meanwhile in the room of the daughter of the most important man in the king’s court, Ophelia, was being reprimanded by her father due to Hamlet’s love letters to Ophelia and her father told her that men lie so she should send back his letters and ignore him.

The prince and the soldiers met at the agreed time, not long after the king’s ghost appeared and told Hamlet to come with him, but his friends though it would be dangerous but Hamlet wanted to go, so the soldiers accepted but they would take care of him. His father took him to a remote place and told him that he didn’t die because of an animal, he died because someone killed him and that murderer was his brother Claudius.

During the next days Hamlet had been sad and quiet, so his mom was very concerned, but Polonius came into the castle and told the majesties that it was due to his daughter rejection to Hamlet and it was his fault because he told her to do that. Not so long after the king’s messengers, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern came into the room and told the prince that a group of actors would act for him, so quickly Hamlet though that if he could make the actors play a murderer, he could make him feel uncomfortable and he would know that he was the real murderer.


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