- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Jamaica Inn

Enviado por   •  20 de Mayo de 2014  •  372 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  293 Visitas

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Chapter 1

Be was a gray day in november. It was cold and raining. Mary was in the couch. She was going to her aunts home. Because her mother was ill and she died so she didn't have any member of her family. Her aunt sent her invitation to go there and live with them. But she had rules. She had to work and don't ask about money. When she was going there by coach the driver asked where she was going and when she said "Jamaica Inn" everybody was shocked. Because this place wasn't a good place for normal people. People it was strange and scary. However, it eventhough she heard bad things about the place, she went there.

Chapter 2

Her aunt was very beautiful when she was young. She looked younger then her sister and her age. But when she saw her aunt she couldn't beleive her eyes. Because her aunt was looking twenty years older than her age. She wasn't beautiful anymore. She was married with Joss Merlyn. He was a tall and scary man with dark brown skin, long arms and big hands. He was an alcoholic man. His father killed someone. He had two brothers and he was the oldest one. One of his brothers was very clever and one of them were in the jail.

Chapter 3

When they were talking with Marry he said that she could hear footsteps in the yard and voices beneath her window. When that happens, your will stay in your bed and cover your head with the bedclothes and close your ears with your hands. He also said that the coaches stop was "Jamaica Inn" but now they don't stop here. In spite of it he had visitors were coming and drinking there. When Mary's uncle was away she was able to explore the Inn amore thoroughly. She walked and saw a door which was locked. When she returned next to her aunt he asked what was in locked door. But when she asked it she felt very sorry. When her uncle came back, her aunt said she had a work in the bar that day. And she understood that, the day was saturday and that night there would be company at "Jamaica Inn"


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