- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Write a composition “My Best Friends”

Enviado por   •  17 de Julio de 2015  •  Informe  •  232 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  223 Visitas


Write a composition “My Best Friends”

My friend's name is Paola Castillo, She is Ecuadorian, and it is 17 years old. She lives with his mother and his father, she has a 30 years old sister.

I met my best friend at school and spend time with were forming a strong bond of friendship in which we are in good and bad times, she is optimistic about its objectives and goals of life girl. She is very insecure not easily trust in people as some people have failed their friendship so prefer be very reserved with their personal and family life.

She is very good person, She has small eyes, brown eyes, their ears are small, but listen great, loll!!!! Her mouth is small.

It is a very nice person, She likes to play a lot with friends, makes us laugh most of the time. Never get angry, is a very kind person.

Among the things he likes to do I can mention the following: She likes to watch TV, listening to music and chat. It is a very dynamic person. But his favorite hobby is going to the cinema.

Paola is like a sister, as best friends are the family you choose, she is godmother to my son, is a very fashionable girl and very generous.

He hates being extroverted as it is considered a calm young, but likes to have fun and travel a lot.


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