- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Proceso De Compras

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No organization can exist without suppliers

The approaches we have, as organizations with the supplier will not only affect the performance of the suppliers, but our organization as well.

No organization can be successful without the support of its suppliers base, operationally and strategically, short and long-term.

Supply management focuses on the acquisition recognizing the importance the supply chain and organization context.

Special emphasis is on decision making that aligns the supplier network and the acquisition process with organizational goal and strategies, this ensures short-term and long-term value for funds spent.

It is very challenging because it is a dynamic process not static one.

More over some of the brightest minds are being hired as marketing and sales experts in order to get YOU to choose their company as your suppliers.

Also challenging because it depends on various factors, the combination which may be unique to a particular organization.

Supply should not only focus on cutting costs down but also with revenue enhancements. What can supply do to increase revenue or decrease costs? This should be on every managers mind.

The rapidly changing supply scene, with cycles of abundance and shortages, varying prices, lead times, and availability, provides a continuing challenge to those organizations wishing to obtain a maximum contribution from this area.


It was during WW1 and WW2, that the success of a firm was not dependent on what it could sell, since the market was almost unlimited, but the real trouble was to obtain from suppliers the raw materials, supplies and services they needed to keep the factories running.

This lead to attention being given to the organization policies, and procedures of the supply function AND then it emerged as a recognized managerial activity.

The Middle East oil embargo in the 1970’s intensified both the shortage and the price escalations. This historical event put the spotlight directly on supply.

In the 1990’s it became clear that organizations must have both efficient and effective supply functions if they wanted to compete successfully in the global marketplace.

21st century brought new challenges such as: sustainability, supply chain security and risk management.

In large supply chains supply professionals are divided in 2 categories

Tacticians: day-to-day requirements

Strategic thinkers: They take an imaginative approach on achieving supply goals in the short-term and long-term.

When working in supply words such as procurement, purchase, material, material management, logistics, sourcing, supply management, and supply chain are used almost interchangeably. Also two persons doing the same work in different companies in different sectors might have different names but the same responsibilities.


Purchasing or supply management is not only concerned with the standard steps in the procurement process:

1. Recognition of need

2. Translation of that need into a commercially equivalent description

3. Search for potential suppliers

4. Selection of a suitable source

5. Agreement on order or contract details

6. Delivery of product or service

7. Payment of supplier

We have other responsibilities in supply that may include receiving, inspection, warehousing, inventory control, materials, packing scheduling

Lean purchasing: tools and techniques to ensure every step in the supply process adds value. Inventories levels are kept at minimal levels.

Instant communication is essential and shared.


What are logistics?

The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals describes it as “Logistics management is that part of the supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements”

Logistics is not confined to manufacturing organizations but it is important to the service industry as well as private and public sector firms.

The attraction of logistics is that it views the material flow process as a whole from initial need of raw materials to finished product or service to the customer.

What is supply chain management?

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) defines it as “the design and management of seamless, value added process across organizational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer. The development and integration of people and technological resources are critical to successful supply chain integration”

Some managers feel that the term “CHAIN” should not be used because it does not convey what really happens in a supply or value chain, they prefer the term “NETWORK” or “WEB”.

The organization use of terms such as purchasing, supply, procurement and supply chain will be based on 3 things:

Their stage of development and sophistication

The industry in which they operate

Their competitive position


The amount of money organizations spend with the suppliers is staggering. Collectively private and public organizations spend every year $26 trillion U.S Dollars with suppliers.

In almost every manufacturing organization, the supply area represents by far the largest single category of spend, ranging from 50-80 percent of revenue. Wages by comparison are about 10 to 20 percent or revenue.


The profit-leverage effect of supply savings is measured by the increase in profit obtained a decrease in purchase spend.


Since C.P.As value inventory items at the purchaser at purchased cost, including transportation, the same item stored at the suppliers typically have a lower inventory investment and carrying cost. By doing this the financial impact of supply on the balance sheet and income statement become even better, thus creating a healthy company from the financial point of view.

While the financial impact of supply is obviously significant, it is by no means the only impact that supply


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