- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Third sunday after pentecost

Enviado por   •  14 de Julio de 2023  •  Apuntes  •  779 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  38 Visitas

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Today's Gospel, dear faithful, is an echo of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which we just celebrated last Friday, and whose melody of mercy towards sinners still rings in our ears, because it speaks to us of the parable of the lost sheep, whose shepherd goes in search of her and does not give up until he nds her.

Two kinds of people listened to Jesus: the Pharisees and scribes on the one hand, and the tax collectors and sinners on the other. The former despised sinners and thought they were above them. Thus they criticized the Lord for joining with sinners. That is why Jesus Christ our Lord instructed them in this Doctrine: that sinners, more than anyone else, need to be close to God; that the rebellious and lost sheep is also loved by the shepherd who goes out to look for it while the other 99 obedient sheep can remain quiet in the stable; that the healthy need not a doctor but the sick: sinners are sick of soul and He is the Divine Physician.

But, why did Pharisees think they were better?

Because Pharisees used to study the Scriptures; because they used to give alms, (although they did it for vainglory); they used to pay their tithing (Gospel says so). They thought they complied with the Law of Moses (although they forgot the main thing about it)... However, even if they were indeed better than the others (although I doubt it) but suppose they were, their conceit, and pride, caused their reprobation and rejection by God.

Why this? Because it´s a truth, that if we are good, if we have something good, it´s thanks to God; everything is for Him. We don't have goodness, nor virtue of our own, we have received everything. The Apostle St. Paul tells the Corinthians that: "We are not even capable of thinking something good for ourselves, but we obtain this from God." (2 Cor. 13:5) yet the proud Pharisee attributed these works to himself, glorifying himself, and not God.

So arrogance, besides being a lie, is totally contrary to God's most beloved virtue, which is humility. A true Catholic, a follower of Our Lord Jesus Christ, must appreciate this great virtue.

Pride, soils every good work, pride detracts from good deeds; pride makes penance itself a sin. On the other hand, humility makes a repentant sinner holy, like the good thief, like these tax collectors and sinners, who came to Jesus to humbly receive forgiveness, like St. Mary Magdalene.

Following this teaching, then, we should be proud to be true Catholics, to be on God's side; but this pride must not be like that of the Pharisees. Ours, must be full of humility, full of thanksgiving to God who deigned to grant us, without our merit, the true faith, knowing that this entails a tremendous responsibility. What do I mean? That true Catholics must practice all the virtues that  Our Lord taught us, and not only taught us, but gives us all the effective aids to be able to achieve them, such as graces in general, and the sacraments and prayer  in particular.


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