- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Reading Log Revolution In France Chapter 9

Enviado por   •  6 de Junio de 2013  •  206 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  505 Visitas

Main Idea:

The revolution in France started, all prepare the weapons. The situation in Paris is so bad. Nobody is safe.

Secondary ideas:

Mme. Defarge hurt an officer with a knife in his neck. Mme. Defarge does it because the officer causes much pain a lot of people.

The servant Gabelle writes a letter to monsieur le marques in that letter she was saying the le marques wife and his house are in danger.


• Fond  When a person like something so much.

• Held  Similar to have.

• Waist  Part of the body, middle.

• Moss  Plant growing in swamps

• Dump  Throw.

• Mob  Multitude of people.

• Straw  Material.

• Plunge  immersion.

• Gushed 

• Stoop  Hunker down

• Lamppost  A big lamp, we found in the streets.


The history has a lot potential but in this chapter much of de history is descriptions so I think the written can be more directly and develop much the ideas.


What day the revolution in France started¿?

14th july.

What weapon was used in the revolution?

Axe, hammer, guns, knives and knifes

What say Mme. Defarge when kill the officer?

She says “You are paying for all the pain you caused”.

What say Gabelle in the letter to le marques?

Gabelle says the le marques’ wife is in danger and his house has been burnt.


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