- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  10 de Diciembre de 2011  •  488 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  573 Visitas

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Ingredients (for 30 of them)

2 cups of wheat flour

5 spoonfuls of butter

1 egg

½ little spoonful of salt

2 spoonfuls of sugar

2 spoonfuls of cold water

kilo of semiwhite cheese

A great deal of corn oil


- Place the flour in the form of cown on a clean and dry table. Put the butter and the egg in the center of it.

- Mix the salt, the sugar with the wáter. Knead with the hands adding water gradually, until having a smooth and uniform mixture (ultil it does not stick on the table or in the hands). Join all the dough at a ball. -Planish the dough with a rolling pin until it has ½ cm of thick.

-Cut the dough in strips of 1 cm of wide and 15 cm of largue.

-Cut the cheese in strips of 1 x 1 x 5 cm.

-Put the pieces of cheese into the dough, covering all the cheese, make sure of cover well the cheese. -In a pan with a great deal of corn oil, fry simmer the tequeños, until they are gold.


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