- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

25 Failin/ Fragile States

Enviado por   •  26 de Marzo de 2015  •  402 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  389 Visitas

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The most fragile States are countries with low incomes and live around 500 million people, which more than half live on less than one dollar per day, which aroused great interest or concern from the international community. Since may not achieve their development objectives by which live stuck in poverty.


Most of these countries are on the continent African, most of these countries the management of public affairs is unsatisfactory, most of these countries Sudan for example are mired in complicated internal conflicts, and in some cases have conflicts with the form of Government they have. All have between if similar obstacles for example an inadequate security, fracture of social relations, corruption, breakdown in the Rule of Law.

Fragile States share some features, such as a less developed infrastructure, widespread food insecurity and low levels of human capital.

Also, the women and the children are between the most vulnerable groups in these countries, especially if they endure a conflict. Also, in most of these countries the laws can harm especially the women, because the traditional institutions usually apply discriminatory politics especially in educational questions where the women they are not allowed to enter a school.

Several of these countries are rich in raw materials, for example, Angola, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo are endowed with abundant natural resources, while others are poor like Burundi and Haiti, but the demand and prices depend on a global market that African States do not control, or that are part of corrupt, for the benefit of a few. The rate of growth in agriculture, industry and services has gone into a tailspin.

In the map I could observe that of the 25 most fragile countries the first 5 are in Africa 5. For its order of bigger than less fragility they are: Sudan of the South, Somalia, Republic Centred African, Congo and Sudan.

Islamic States, in all or most of the Muslim population, nearly all appear in the first levels of endangerment.


The fragility and the low human development match it is not surprising if a fragile state has failed, or that cannot fulfill its basic functions: to ensure good governance, the unity, security, public order, public services, the proper administration of justice, to encourage the production, the democracy, which is very important that the organizations to take into account these countries, as those who suffer the most are the children, the elderly and women


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