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Origins Of United Nations Model

Enviado por   •  17 de Abril de 2013  •  258 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  353 Visitas

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The origins of the United Nations Model

The United Nations is a reference to consider the building of the world in which any person can move forward and contribute to the development of their community. This project began with a focus of educating young people in an environment of tolerance and respect for diversity.

Although there’s no concrete data about how exactly the United Nations Model started, it is known that the simulation of international organizations began even before the creation United Nations, (Prior to the creation of the United Nations was the Nations League), when students held a Model of League of Nations in the 20’s and that is the successor of a simulation by students who presented it to the United Nations or Nations League.

In 1948, when the model started as an educational experience implemented at the Faculty of Political Science at Harvard its success was so remarkable that in the year 1953, was implemented in high school education.

Since its inception, over four hundred thousand young people have participated in this initiative around the world, students of colleges and universities. Numerous personalities from the law, politics, business and the arts have participated in UN Model during their academic training. The experts highlighted the integral of the Superior Court of Justice Stephen Breyer and former member of the International Court of Justice, Stephen M. Schwebel, actor Samuel L. Jackson and the daughter of former U.S. President Chelsea Clinton.

Four hundred conferences are held annually in thirty-five different countries in which can participate from thirty persons to even reach two thousand.


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