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Alejandro´s Spelling Bee List

Enviado por   •  4 de Febrero de 2015  •  278 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  368 Visitas

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‘‘Ant and Grasshopper’’ and ‘‘The Richer, The Poorer’’ Compare and Contrast Paragraph

‘‘Ant and Grasshopper’’ and ‘‘The Richer, The Poorer’’ are two fables that try to teach us a lesson about money, but at the same time living and enjoying life. Both fables have many similarities and differences. Lottie and Ant are two hardworkers, on the other hand Bess and Grasshopper both enjoy life, but they have issues with money/food.

These characters have many similarities and differences. Lottie and Ant are two similar characters that save things for the future like money or food. When Bess is in the bankrupt, Lottie opens her doors to her, while ant did not help grasshopper. Bess and Grasshopper are similar too, Grasshopper passed summer singing and dancing, and he passed winter in hunger. Bess enjoyed her life traveling with her husband Harry, when Harry died she had to ask help to Lottie.

In ‘‘Ant and Grasshopper’’ and ‘‘The Richer, The Poorer’’ Aesop and Dorothy West try to teach us different morals. In ‘‘Ant and Grasshopper’’ the story tells us that we need to work to be save money or food to be happy in the future. In ‘‘The Richer, The Poorer’’ they teach that saving for the future is not all, you should spend money on the present and live like there is no tomorrow.

This two fables have their similarities and differences. As the story goes on Lottie changes but Grasshopper doesn’t. Both fables teach a valuable lesson but in ‘‘The Richer, The Poorer’’ it tells that we need to live for the present but also save for the future. These fables are both really different and similar but they share a touching moral.


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