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Examen de ingles UTI 6To Nivel

Enviado por   •  8 de Agosto de 2018  •  Examen  •  1.515 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  445 Visitas

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1.- Select the correct answer using tag Questions.

I think it was in the late 90s. Anyway, you remember destiny’s child, ………..

  1. Do you?
  2. Are you?
  3. Don’t you?

2.- Select the correct answer using long noun phrases.

…………….is that you’ll hopefully find something you enjoy doing, which makes life a lot more satisfying.

  1. What I would do
  2. Another thing I would do
  3. The good thing about that

3.- Select the correct questions about passive present continuos or perfect

Lawmakers have requiered cities to adopt new regulations for disiable people

  1. Cities don’t been required by lawmakers to adopt new regulations for disiable people.
  2. Cities are requiered by lawmakers to adopt new regulations for disiable people.
  3. Cities have been requiered by lawmakers to adot new regulations for disiable people.

4.- Select the correct answer using tag Questions.

I thing so. He sings with Coldplay………?

  1. Isn’t he
  2. Doesn’t he
  3. Didn’t he

5.- Select the correct answer using tag Questions. When did she start her singing carrer? It wasn’t around the year 2000 ………

  1. Wasn’t it?
  2. Isn’t it?
  3. Was it?

6.- Select the correct option using the what clauses.

……………………. Was interesting.

  1. What my friend did
  2. What was my friend
  3. What is my friend

7.- Select the correct expression to link ideas.

I try to reduce air pollution by riding my bike to work ………. Driving to work.

  1. Instead of
  2. In order to
  3. Even though

8.- Select the correct expression to link ideas.

Many people don´t turn off the wáter while brushing their teeth ………. The recent droughts and wáter storages.

  1. Becouse
  2. Due to
  3. In spite of

9.- Select the correct answer about hipothetical situations.

If my parents…… to become a doctor. I………to medical school.

  1. Hadn’t encouraged / Wouldn’t have gone
  2. Hasn’t encourage / Would has go
  3. Have encourage / Would have went

10.- Select the correct option using linking ideas.

……………cut down on the paper you use, geta ll your bills delivered online.

  1. Even though
  2. In order to
  3. Becouse

11.- Select the correct option using linking ideas.

A lot of áreas are being affected by air pollution……….efforts to improve air quality

  1. So
  2. Although
  3. In spite of

12.- Select the correct answer about hipothetical situations past modals.

If I………my book, I………a lot of money.

  1. Have publish / can have make
  2. Had publish / can had made
  3. Had published / could have made

13.- Select the correct answer about future continuous or future perfect.

But………your job, aren´t you?

  1. You´re enjoying
  2. I Will enjoy
  3. You’ve enjoed

14.- Select the correct questions about tag questions.

She hasn’t released a new álbum in a while………….

  1. Has she?
  2. Isn’t she?
  3. Does she?

15.- Select the correct answer about future continuous or future perfect.

But…………your job, arent’t you?

  1. You’re enjoying
  2. I Will enjoy
  3. You’ve enjoyed

16.- Select the correct sentence in passive present continouos or perfect.

Fishing companies are catching fewer wild fish.

  1. Fewer wild fish had been caught by the fishing companies.
  2. Fewer wild fish are being caught by the fishing companies.
  3. Fewer wild fish are caught by the fishing companies.

17.- Select the correct answer using long noun phrases.

………is that you’ll hopefully find something you enjoy doing, which makes life a lot more satisfying.

  1. Another thing I would do.
  2. What I would do.
  3. The good thing about that.

18.- Select the correct expression to link ideas.

…………natural cleaning products are expensive, I prefer to buy them and avoid using toxic chemicalsim my home.

  1. In spite of.
  2. So that
  3. Although

19.- Select the correct option using linkind ideas.

………….cut down on the paper you use, geta ll your bills delivered online.

  1. Even though
  2. Because
  3. In order to

20.- Select the correct option about future continuous or future perfect.

I hope……………….as an architect.

  1. I’ve been working.
  2. I’ll be worked.
  3. I’ll be working.

21.- Select the correct sentence in passive of present continuous or perfect.

They’re foring developers to change the way they build.

  1. Developers are being forced to change the way they build.
  2. Developers has being forced to change the way they build.
  3. Developers don’t being forced to change the way they build.

22.- Select the correct option using the what clauses.

………is talk to people.

  1. What do I
  2. What am I do.
  3. What I would do.

23.- Select the correct answer using long noun phrases.

……… that you should try to think about your interest and your personality, and then see what kinds of Jobs are you out there that match.

  1. What I would do.
  2. Another thing I would do.
  3. What I’m saying.

24.- Select the correct option using linkind ideas.

If you buy bottled wáter, make sure the bottle is biodegrable……… can prevent buildup in landfills.

  1. Although
  2. Instead of
  3. So that

25.- Select the correct option using linkind ideas.

A lot of vegetables for local áreas are being sold in stores………..consumer pressure.


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