- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Jane Eyre

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The life of Charlotte Brontë

2. Answer the following questions.

1. Who were Charlotte Brontë’s parents?

-The parents of Charlotte Brontë were Patrick Brontë and her mother, Maria Branwell.

2. How did the Brontë children play together?

-Because all the sisters love reading and created stories.

3. What did Charlotte use as model for Lowood School?

-The severe conditions at the school inspire’s Charlotte to write Jane Eyre.

4. What experience did Charlotte write about in her novel Villete?

-Charlotte fell deeply in love with Monsieur Heger, the director.

5. Why did the Brontë sisters use men’names to publish their works?

-Because people did not respect women writers at that time.

6. Why did Charlotte’s marriage to Mr Nicholls not last?

-Because Charlotte died in March 1855, before she marriage in 1854.

3. Reading pictures.

1. Look at the portrait on page 6. Write three adjectives to describe the sisters.

All the sisters looks serious and safe of himself.

2. Which portrait of Charlotte do you prefer?

I prefer the portrait in page 4 because in this portrait Charlotte were more oldest and mature that the other portrait with her sisters.

Activities: page 12

1. Reading pictures.

1. Who are the people in the picture?

-I think that the girl in the picture is Adèle and the men I don’t know how cut be.

2. Where are they?

-Maybe there are in a school.

3. What do you think is going to happen next?

-I don’t know but…maybe not good things.

Before you read: page 21

1. Reading pictures

1. Where is Jane?

-Jane is at the school.

2. How are the girls dressed?

-They are dressed like the clothes of the time.

3. What do think the school will be like?

-I think that for the face of Jane…Not too much.

Activities: page 42

1. Comprehension check

1. Who was waiting for Jane when she arrived at Thornfield Hall?

-Mrs Fairfaz was waiting for Jane.

2. What was the name of Jane’s student?

-The name of Jane’s student was Adèle.

3. What happened when she was coming home from the village one day?

-The stranger with one horse fell down on the ice.

4. What did the man look like?

-He looks surprise and not very handsome and not at all polite, also he looks interesting.

5. What did Jane discover when she got home?

-That Mr Rochester has returned.

6. What did Jane hear when she woke up one night?

-Jane hears something unusual, someone was moving about Jane’s room.

7. What did Jane see when she went to Mr Rochester’s room?

-Jane sees her room on fire.

8. What was the name of the woman whom Mrs Fairfaz


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