- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tarea de ingles voz pasiva

Enviado por   •  26 de Mayo de 2022  •  Apuntes  •  347 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  213 Visitas

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1.- V.A= She writes some songs in the morning.

VP= some songs are written by her in the morning.

2.- V.A = I bougth a new jacket in that shop.

VP= a new jacket was bought by me in that shop.

3.- V.A= They watched a new film in the cinema.

VP= a new film was watched by them in the cinema.

4.- V.A= We are playing chess now.

VP= chess is being played by us now.

5.- V.A= The cat is crossing the street at this moment.

VP= the Street is being crossed by the cat at this moment.

6.- V.A= He painted that building last year.

VP= that building was painted by him last year.

7.- V.A= She cooks fish for luch today.

VP= fish is cooked by her for lunch today.

8.- V.A= He was drinking orange juice for breakfast.

VP= orange juice was being drunk by him for breakfast.

9.- V.A= We studied Medicine at the university.

VP= medicine was studied by us at the university.

10.- V.A= She is writing a new article in the newspaper.

VP= a new article is being written by her in the newspaper.

11.- V.A= I am doing exercises in the gym.

VP= exercises are being done by me in the gym.

12.- V.A= They eat a piece of cake in the party.

VP= a piece of cake is eaten by them in the party

13.- V.A= He broke the window yesterday.

VP= the window was broken by him yesterday.

14.- V.A= I was reading a new book last week.

VP= a new book was being read by me last week.

15.- V.A= Sheyla opened the office at 8 am.

VP= the office was opened by sheyla at 8 am.

16.- V.A= They were studying Math last week.

VP= math was being studied by them last week.

17.- V.A= He is closing the windows now.

VP= the Windows are being closed by him now.

18.- V.A= I was drinking water last night.

VP= the water was being drunk by me last night.

19.- V.A= She sang many songs in the concert yesterday.

VP= many songs were sung by her in the concert yesterday.

20.- V.A= They gave a great surprise to Mary last year.

VP= a great surprise was given by them to Mary last year.


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