- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

English Essay

Enviado por   •  21 de Febrero de 2013  •  285 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  520 Visitas

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Rural and urban city

Advantage and Disadvantages

People can live in rural or urban area. These spaces are associated with social status, like poor and rich. Anyway, everyone think about the possibility of living in rural or urban places. In this text, some of the advantages and disadvantages will be presented.

The rural area has a lot of characteristics. These are depending on the thought of people. For example, one part of the population believes that rural areas are only county landscapes with poor people, the basic public services, basic education, less technology advance, bad roads, and other difficulties for living. But, other people think about the rural area like a space for being free, with pure air, quiet, cheap and where people can conserve their traditions.

On the other hand, there is the urban area. Some people express that this area is the most useful space for living. For example: there are the main malls and supermarkets. Also, the education is better than in rural areas, the services include internet, cable, the full public services, big streets and buildings, etc. The problems in these spaces are the excessive stress and traffic that people have to support. The population in rural areas migrates to urban areas in search of better jobs and life style.

Finally, I think that rural places could be good for taking free time. In urbanizations are the majority of population and the life style had been caught to comfort and quickly things. This make to people depended on technology, industries. But at the time of take a free time, the landscape can be a really good option. The pure air give liberty to mind, without noise, forgetting the bad time in cities.


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