- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Gran Cambio

Enviado por   •  17 de Junio de 2013  •  495 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  454 Visitas

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A Big Change

Sometimes life seems too complicated for a young man, but now I realize that isn’t that way. A couple of years ago when I was an immature men I decided to try a new experience away from home working in a refinery in Long Beach, California. At first I was doing it just because of the good money, but I was not very happy with the idea of being far away from my parents. California, a big city with tons of different cultures and nationalities all over the world. In a way the harder part wasn’t really going to California, it was how immature I was that I couldn’t survive without my parents, some night I couldn’t even sleep. However, days were going really fast because I used to work 12 hours a day, my work consisted in building scaffold for welders that in reality wasn’t that fun for me. This was my routine to work without enjoying it, this make me remember the workers in the Henry Ford assembly line in the 1930’s, workers would do the exactly same job for 12 or 14 hours during the whole day.

On the other hand, I would talk to my mom almost every day, sometimes when I was leaving work I cried when I talked to her by phone. Nonetheless, a month after I was a different person, my way of thinking was changed and the most important I was learning how to survive without my parents especially without my mom. I last 3 years working in California, I don’t even want to come back to Brownsville, the funniest part of this story that I could remember is that in front of the motel we were living at there was a strip club that I used to visit every paycheck, I remember my cousin Carlos used to tell me “hey bro we have to work tomorrow lets go.” All these facts were a big change for me in a good way. On the other hand, I was making good money around 1600 every week and the most important I was being responsible, and the most important I learned how to survive without my parents. Honestly, I wouldn’t be so immature without receiving too much overprotection. Finally, one day I was at the motel with my cousins and I realize that I need to do something interesting with my life, so I decided to go to college I would love to attend a university in California but the life in the big cities is expensive, after that I decided to come back to Brownsville. The significant part in the story was that I learn how to survive and to make a living by myself without my parents in a different way having new experiences for example; learning industrial work, visiting different cities, etc. Actually I have my own life with my girlfriend, we had been living together for 2 years being a responsible man.


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