- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Hello, my name is Rodrigo, I Firefighter Chile and I need to tell you something

Enviado por   •  25 de Junio de 2014  •  794 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  223 Visitas

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Hello, my name is Rodrigo, I Firefighter Chile and I need to tell you something.

First, Many times I've wondered, what to me to be a firefighter. It's a lifestyle, it will be true or just a phrase thrown to the wind.

Sometimes it is difficult to explain to me friends, everything that surrounds the warrior helmet and clothing. It is common to talk about dreams and rings interrupted by swift steps of breaks from work and college to fulfill the task of preparing a night exercise jurisdiction only we understand, or agreed commitments to be met with honor. But being a firefighter is much more than that. More than sirens and units deployed along avenues that pythons provocative penetrating smoke, making its way into tools twisted cars, or that a "firm" in the row, satisfied feeling part of the work done.

For me it is extremely difficult to deliver into words what it means to be a firefighter. Personally, being a firefighter is a duty, a responsibility and a tremendous satisfaction. It is a self-imposed duty, an inner necessity that compels me to contribute to my barracks to provide a vital service that only we can deliver.

We have the knowledge, tools and experience that no one has and must apply on behalf of the community.

In an emergency I know it will be useful, and that my presence will always be worth more than my absence. So there is no fire in the "to be another", or at all want it to be where we are required.

Being a firefighter is also a tremendous responsibility. Knowing that my experience and my hands will directly benefit you need certain people with blind faith give us their most precious values, trusting that we will do the right thing for their interests?

In our actions and in our opinion, lies the peace of many.

It's a daily challenge to live in such circumstances. And almost plenty explain. It's a tremendous satisfaction to be firefighter. You get up proud for wearing the uniform.

Is to thank the thousands of experienced joys, forged in the heat of work friends.

You share the pain, the helplessness of a failed job, the disappointment of not being able to bend the hands of fate. However, this commemoration is far removed from the pomp and noise. We were born to serve our neighbor, our goal is always the other.

Second, do you know how many times we put at risk our lives to save others?, Is something every day every emergency we concur, each bell rings and we go out with a destination but not knowing our end, we sacrifice our family above all things regardless of the fear that they have to see us risking every second that desire to live with us. It is true no one has forced us to be firefighters, but no strings are who do whatever it takes for you to have a choice over life when we need to.

Third, we pay for firefighters, do not pay us, you must cancel our monthly dues to headquarters,


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