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Nicki Needs To Shut Up.

Enviado por   •  28 de Mayo de 2013  •  282 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  541 Visitas

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Before you get your triple neon spanx in a twist (and completely cut off circulation to your ass), let me tell you this is NOT about Nicki saying she’s voting Republican. It’s a free country right? Nicki can discuss the economy just like Ben Bernanke is free to give wig advice. No, this is about Nicki cancelling appearances in Britain due to busted vocal cords.

Now if you’ve ever seen her live, you know her sultry, velvety tones always seem to have gone through several layers of road-rage. Well, apparently, after a series of performances, the doctor had told Nicki to STFU and give her swollen adenoids the rest of the summer off.

Well, listening to a trained professional went against the queen bee’s street cred and she decided to compete against her background vocals anyway on the Today Show on August 14th to promote her new album ‘Pink Friday’. This left her voice begging for mercy (then again, that could be just the sheer awesomeness of talking to Matt Lauer). She later tweeted that her voice was gone and it had just ‘held up just to spk to u guys last nite!... The mind is so powerful’.

Well her mind could not gather enough power to carry her over to V festival, the big 2-day weekend concert in the UK and now British Nicki fans will be paying 3 dollars for a bottle of water inside the venue for ‘nuffin’.

Goes to show: ALWAYS listen to the doctor when it comes to caring for your moneymaker, whether it’s your booty or your voice, doctor knows what he’s talking about. Oh, and free advice, gargling with helium before every show probably isn’t helping either, Nicki.


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