- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The importance of color in the life of Man.

Enviado por   •  4 de Septiembre de 2016  •  Ensayos  •  821 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  369 Visitas

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The importance of color in the life of Man

There is no doubt that since the animals appeared on land gifted sense organs; the view is one of most important since, thanks to it, established a relationship with the outside world that allowed them to know the terrain, distinguish the danger, hunting foresee and therefore their food; more is difficult to know what animals colorful environment distinguished and it is not until the more rational animals appears that we have the conviction that colors influence his life and decisions. This animal is man.

The color is light, beauty, harmony and delight the eye, but above all, psychological balance, comfort and education.

We can imagine how the older men learned by the many colors of natural phenomena. They knew the blue sky and the dark of night, the green fields, the Yellow arid deserts, icy glacier white and red blood. These colors must also warn the seasons and even weather changes as perceived.

So the colors of nature must have directly influenced its development, being born taste and predilection for some. The very nature lavishes elements, was the I provide the raw material so that the colors were manipulated by men, causing to be painted, then the need for shelter motivated them to use colors of your choice in the clothes and the passage of time ; improving knowledge and practice established certain color clothes were used in galas, celebrations, sadness and wars.

Home today requires not only beautify and animate color, but color that meets the psychological needs of those living with it. The color choice is based on statistical factors and also psychic, cultural, social and economic.

Thus throughout history have influenced colors, in fashion, in tastes, in the celebrations, but always, have been linked to mood.

Today it is known that colors evoke sensations and feelings, so there are tranquilizers like blue, clean and pure as white, passionate as red, etc.

The color in the arts is the most valuable for a work to convey the same sensations that the artist experienced in front of the scene or original motive means; using color with good knowledge of their nature and effects will be possible and properly express how happy or sad, the luminous or somber, quiet to exalted, etc.

Nothing can say much or as well of an artist's personality, character and qualities of his creative mind and the use and distribution of their colors, trends and contrasts these and music that is in them.

The color in architecture and decoration is developed in the same manner as in the art of painting, although his performance goes far beyond because its purpose is specific, can serve to promote, highlight, conceal and even hide, to create a exciting or calm feeling, to mean temperature, size, depth or weight, like music, can be used deliberately to arouse


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