- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Corage Of Sara

Enviado por   •  22 de Julio de 2014  •  269 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  165 Visitas

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My friend

Sara had a hard life, but she never gave up. She was born in 1995 in Lima. When her mother told his husband she was pregnant, he abandoned them. Her mother, Diana, decided to have her baby and raise her. Diana struggled until the end for her daughter, Sara. She wanted Sara to have a good education. However, Sara’s mother died when Sara had turned eight years old. Sara felt confused because she didn’t know why her mother died. It was uncertain and her aunt adopted her. Since that moment, her life changed dramatically. Sara noticed that her aunt wasn’t a good person. Furthermore, she mistreated and tormented Sara. Sara was forced to wash, clean and cook for her aunt’s family. However, school changed that misery. She had the freedom to learn anything there. Sara enjoyed learning new things at school, so she became an extraordinary student. On the other hand, her aunt continued mistreating her. Sara yearned for changing her life. Something inside her urged her to read more. She thought her isolation would change sooner or later. When she finished high school, she took the entrance exam of San Marcos University. She paid her exam with the money that she earned working in a restaurant. Sara entered the university and decided to leave her aunt’s house. She lost the shame of being an orphan and started living in a special house for university students. Actually, she is studying Psychology and wants to change the life of people who suffered like her. She has many true friends who know her story. I’m one of them.


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