- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  26 de Marzo de 2015  •  427 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  261 Visitas

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1. Marketing Research

-Describe the typical consumer for your business.

The typical consumer of the Paleticas are people with diseases such as diabetic or obesity. This product is a treat that provides them satisfaction when they have anxiety and want to calm it.

-Describe your research method.

-How large is the total market for this product or service?

In avarage is pretty large because this product has a variety of flavors, sugars and addings such as vaiety of milks, yogurth and waters.

-Which segment of this market would you target and describe the segmentation method.

 2. Competitive Analysis.

-How do you define/describe your competition, both direct and indirect?

Our direct competition are the popciles that are made sugar free selled in retail stores, our indirect competition are the handmade popcicles.

-Describe your competitive advantage.

The advantage that we have are that this product is unique and 100% natural.

-Describe your strategy for outperforming the competition.

-What tactics will you use to carry out this strategy?

-What barriers to entry can you create to block out competitors?

 3. Marketing Mix.

- Explain how your marketing plan targets your market segment.

- Write a positioning statement for your business.

- PRODUCT. What products/services do you intend to sell? How will it meet a customer need? Describe the features and benefits of the product/service your business will focus on selling.

PRICE. Describe your pricing strategy.

Our pricing strategy is to maintain the same price and if they are willing to buy large quantities then we arrange a special price.

- PROMOTION. Identify the ways you plan to promote your product or service. Include the message, the media and the distribution channels. Describe why you have chosen the method and why you think it will work. What is your business slogan? What is your logo?

PLACE. Where do you intend to sell your product? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the location.

Our location is a popsicle cart outside schools and by contacting diabetic people and offerning our product. Also we intend to sell them with dietitians and in gyms. The advantages of our location are that we dont pay rent and the disadvantages are that it may be a little bit hard to deliver them.

-List ways you intend to provide superior customer service.

We are always avialable for orders and large orders like in parties and so.

Our quality will be so good people will love our product.

We will provide variety of flavours for all kinds of people.

-How will you make and keep customer database?

4. Operations.

-How do you plan to distribute your product and where will the business be located?

-Describe the operation process.


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