- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  10 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  410 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  104 Visitas

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Care for animals is not an easy task, you must devote all your time and patience. This is the story of a zookeeper named Vincent Keller sets up a plan to propose to the love of his Katherine but she rejects him and claims that his career as a zookeeper is what is keeping her away, therefore breaking Vincent's heart.

Five years later, Vincent is shown to be the lead zookeeper at the  Park Zoo who cares deeply for the zoo animals. That night, Keller holds a party at the zoo for his brother Gabe who is getting married, but freaks out when he discovers that Katherine was invited. Gabe offers Keller to come and work with him at a car dealership, explaining that it is the best way to get Katherine back. Vincent contemplates quitting his job at the zoo and joining his brother at the dealership


So he decides it's time to show your love, why choose to do so with the help of animals. He trained the animals night and day for one month, so that when the day he can say what he feels arrives.

until finally comes the day, good night, Katherine decides to invite a walk in the park, and as his work allowed him access to the animals and she loved him animals, each animal gave him a letter, and to finish the lyrics came together and said "You are the love of my life, I love you," Katherine remained enchanted, and began to leave. Their appointments were unconventional, and they both loved the animals when salt would choose to go somewhere or give them shelter pet food for strays.

When asked Katherine to pass through his mind when he declared his love what she said was "I knew then that he was the right man, we shared the same love for animals"

And when we asked what had inspired Keller and because I do it that way he told us "What better way to show someone that you love, something that share they  in common, and animals are the best way"

Now both united by love towards themselves and towards animals together created its own animal shelter, of all kinds.[pic 3]


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