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2. Lea cuidadosamente las siguientes oraciones y Subraye la forma correcta del verbo. 7 points

1. Could I speak to Linda? I’m afraid she puts/’s putting the baby to bed. Could you ring back in about half an hour?

2. I first met my husband when I worked/was working in Cartagena.

3. How often do you see/are you seeing your parents?

4. My father worked/was working for a long time in Neiva when he was younger.

5. ‘Would you like a cigarette?’ ‘No thanks. I don’t smoke / ‘m not smoking.’

6. ‘What do you do? /are you doing?’ ‘I am a chemical engineer.’

7. ‘What are you doing /do you do?’ ‘I try / ‘m trying to mend my bike. Would you like to help?

3. Escriba la forma correcta del verbo Presente Perfecto o Pasado Simple. Infiera y escriba la regla. 10 points

1. My brother has had / had a fight with his neighbour last week.

2. I have often dreamt /often dreamt of having a million dollars

3. When we were small, Mother has made /made us delicious ice cream every Sunday.

4. I’ve spoken / I spoke to the President several times.

5. ‘Do you know Barranquilla?’ No, I’ve never been / I never went there.’

6. ‘When you were a child, have you ever / did you ever run away from home? ‘Yes, I have run / ran away on my third birthday’.

7. ‘Have you ever broken / Did you ever break your arm?’ ‘Yes, I have / did.’ ‘When have you done /did you do it?’

8. ‘Have you ever / Did you ever put an advertisement in a newspaper?’ Yes, I have / did.’ Really? Has it been / was it for?

9. I ‘ve bought / bought some new shoes. Do you want to see them?

10. ‘Where are my glasses?’ ‘I don’t know. I haven’t seen / didn’t see them.’

4. Ahora infiera la regla: 10 points

__You use the present perfect when talking about events that took place in the past but they might continue to happen. In the other hand you use simple past when talking about events that started in the past and finished in the past as well.

5.a NYLON The first man-made fiber

NYLON 1. _ C. was invented __ in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill. Other scientists 2._____ A. worked ___ his invention and finally on 27 October 1938, nylon 3. ___ C. was introduced ___ to the world. It was cheap and strong and immediately 4_A._ became __ successful, especially in the making of ladies stockings. 4 points

1. A. invented 2. A. worked 3. A. are introduced 4. A. become B. is invented B. were worked B. were introduced B. became C. was invented C. are worked C. was introduced C. is become D. were invented


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