- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Programa De Desarrollo Sustentable

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Sustainable development program


Prof. Eng. Israel Jesús Rodríguez Meléndez

Subject: Sustainable development


• Arriaga Guzmán Eleonor Magalli

• Carrasco Sanabria Maria Guadalupe

• Arias Martínez José Luis

• Mireles López Lucero Guadalupe


I. Introduction 4

II. Theoretical framework 5

2.1 Programs 6

2.1.1. solid waste 6

2.1.2 talks environmental 7

2.1.3 Detection of mistletoe 7

2.1.4 reforestation 8

2.1.6 tree by tree 10


IV. Bibliography 12

V. Attachments…………………………………………………………………………………….14


Fig. 1 delegation Venustiano Carranza (the defe, 2014) 5

Fig. 2 Board West (the seminar, 2014) 6

Fig. 3 route of waste (gob.df) 6

Fig. 4. use of foci (savings and home, 2014) 7

Fig. 5 mistletoe in the trees (gardening. pro, 2014) 8

Fig. 6 mistletoe Struthanthus interruptus. A. copy. B. leaf stem. C. crosscutting histologically. D. slitting histologically. (SMA, 2014)………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

Fig. 7 reforestation (Saldana, 2013) 9

I. Introduction

Sustainable or sustainable development is the term applied to the economic and social development that allows you to cope with the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

A problem that arises when it comes to boost sustainable development sustainable is the unequal distribution of resources. Some of them like water, coal or oil are not distributed evenly across the globe. The intensity of the consumption of these resources is not homogeneous, and there are large differences between countries and even between inhabitants of the same country.

How these differences will reverse to achieve a rational exploitation of natural resources?

This problem persists still unsolved. But that use renewable resources and development that can be maintained without danger of exhausting the reserves is, at least on a theoretical level, very promising and will be the challenge of the future generations.

Resources from the perspective of the human species:

Water, food and oxygen are the main resources from the biological perspective of man.

Water is essential for life and also any human activity requires their use and lack thereof limits the possibilities of human presence. Foods are important since they have at the same time the source of matter and energy. The abundance of oxygen makes that not you assess it is as much as a resource, though a vital gas for living beings.

In addition to these resources joins the biodiversity that has not been highly conserved and 60% of ecosystems in the world that support life on earth are now degraded or way of being. The man has also used another set of resources that come from the lithosphere and biosphere and that are used to build shelters or elements for energy.

The danger of depletion of some of the resources used on a massive scale in today's society begins to consider possible, due to the enormous population growth and the general increase in per capita consumption that characterizes what is usually meant by development. (Special secondary education school, 2010)

The different environmental and urban programs that are conducted in the Venustiano Carranza of Mexico DF delegation and which have helped to maintain a responsible citizen towards waste and waste will be presented in this work.

II. Theoretical framework

The Venustiano Carranza delegation, is located in the Western of the Federal District, bordering on the north side the delegation Gustavo A. Madero, in the far East with the municipality of Nezahualcóyotl of the State of Mexico, to the South with the Iztacalco delegation and to the West with the Cuauhtemoc delegation. (Delegation Venustiano Carranza, 2014).

Located in the Vesnustiano Carranza delegation 4, 958 streets, representing the 5,10% of the total in the Distrito Federal. Of these, 17.53 km are way of access controlled, 34.66 Km. Vialidades primary and 431.79 km. of secondary roads. It also has 3 of the most important markets of the city, such as:

• The Merced market.

• Sonora market.

• Jamaica market.

Which generate excessive amounts of waste with a number around 1,460 tons of solid waste per month.

Solid waste are the remains of human activities, considered by its generators as useless, undesirable or disposable, but which can be of use to other people. Itself, is the waste generated by a person. (Pineda, 2014)

And it is here where come the urban and environmental programs that have this delegation.

2.1 Programs

2.1.1. solid waste

Since waste follow a route designed by the delegation in which have 7 trucks with separators which is deposited or separate the garbage in grey and Green containers, being inorganic and organic respectively. Of the latter between 85 to 90% of the waste must have a degree of considerable cleaning to then send them and composted to the board west as shown in Fig. 2.

Just as they do with the markets have a similar program in dwellings which have a separation of waste program this plan consists of Fig. 3:

The days where organic waste is collected are: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. And with them generate natural fertilizer. Inorganic garbage is collected the day Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and this helps can be recycled. This information is located within a few brochures (annexes) which portion to citizenship in which inform them the types of waste and as separate them.

2.1.2 talks environmental

At this point the delegation has worried foster environmental education doing environmental talks to children of primary, secondary and residential units. Also take in


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