- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Test: Write the ing-form of the following verbs

Enviado por   •  15 de Mayo de 2015  •  Tarea  •  225 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  857 Visitas

Test: Write the ing-form of the following verbs.

1. cry → ________________

2. prepare →________________

3. lie →________________

4. win → ________________

5. dial →________________

Choose the correct form: have or has and since or for.

1. Emma ________________been learning English ________________five years.

2. My friends ________________been living here ________________2003.

3. I ________________been waiting for Danny ________________20 minutes.

4. Ross and Gavin ________________been travelling around Australia ________________six weeks.

5. Carol ________________been exercising in the gym ________________2 o'clock. v

Write sentences in present perfect continuous.

1. Kevin / read → ________________

2. you / TV / watch / all day → ________________

3. Paul / to the radio / listen / not → ________________

4. the men / cards / play → ________________

5. the girls / cycle / not → ________________

Write questions in present perfect continuous.

1. Carol / shout → ________________

2. you / dance → ________________

3. Kevin / run → ________________

4. they / on the phone / talk / how long → ________________

5. these books / lie / on the floor / how long → ____________________

B:I _______________(play) tennis all day

A: _________________(you / play / ever) tennis?

B: I _________________(play / only) tennis once or twice. And you?

A: I__________________ (learn) tennis for two years.

B: ________________(you / take) part in any competitions?

A: I ________________(participate) in four contests this year.

B:_________________ (you / win) any prizes so far?

A: No, I ___________________(win / not) anything yet. I'm not that good yet.________________ (you / enter / ever) a contest?

B: I_________________ (swim) for seven years and I ________________(receive / already) some trophies


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