- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  24 de Enero de 2015  •  223 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  306 Visitas

The lost ship by Stephen Colbourn: A Macmillan Reader

1. Where is the ship and where is it going?




2. What is the ship´s log?

A. Wood to burn in the fire

B. A lazy sailor

C. The material the ship is made from

D. A record book

3. What is the strange about the ship they find?

A. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What is so strange about the photograph the captain fins in the strange ship?




5. Look for three unknown words in the English dictionary and write down its meaning.

A. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C.The lost ship by Stephen Colbourn: A Macmillan Reader

1. Where is the ship and where is it going?




2. What is the ship´s log?

A. Wood to burn in the fire

B. A lazy sailor

C. The material the ship is made from

D. A record book

3. What is the strange about the ship they find?

A. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What is so strange about the photograph the captain fins in the strange ship?



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