- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  10 de Agosto de 2014  •  Tesis  •  348 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  179 Visitas

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It is a annual celebration, it has place forty days before Pascua. Despite the inspiration of catholic church, your european origins ascend a carnival class called entry, your characteristic is plunge play water person to person for body purification. The entrudo was prohibited Without too much success in century XIX(nineteen), because it was considerate violent by the social class tall (tell than some people die for infections and other diseases, because threw fruits rotten).

The principal celebration carry finish in Rio de janeiro and São Paulo. Where the schools of samba, blocos and bands occupy neighborhoods integers.

background History

This carnival, account your origins in the ancient rome, when the celebration the carnival had as object celebrate the come of the spring. Through the conquest the carnival arrives

In brazil, they have your first contact in Bahia, and through other source, the slaves. shows the influence of occident and of Africa African as noted in the dances, music and costumes.

The samba arrive rio. It is of origin Angol. This dance served the slaves to survive

¿where does start the carnival?

the rio carnival has a duration of four days in those days, the sambas school give quote to compete, and where the rio city receives visitors of world, and everyone dress one color, the color of the joy.

This carnival promotes social inclusion.

The carnival begins with the sambodromo Marquez de sapucai, the mayor crown king momo and he gives the keys.

The second day the carnival is official. in this day, we can find different options. the best is el sambromo of the samba schools

The third day offers us one parade the schools of special group, and the last day offers us the parade of the schools of group b

the samba schools prepare everything one year to the carnival, the schools must choose one topic to represent in the carnival

climate (clima)

The principal thing you need to know, before travel to rio is that is of a set of small islands interconnected, hence the climate is tropical. however the temperatures reach the forty degrees Celsius


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