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Romeo Y Juliet (en Ingles)

Enviado por   •  22 de Agosto de 2013  •  836 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  470 Visitas

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Both of them change and mature throughout the play. We get to have an in-depth understanding about these characters and two or more sides of their personality are seen.

Romeo is a tragic and romantic figure. He begins as a young man entangled in his own superficial notions of love. His interest in Rosaline is passive and non reciprocal in comparison to the more complex and active relationship he develops with Juliet. He’s the young son of the Montague family, around 16 years old. He is very handsome, intelligent, romantic and impulsive. He’s life is ruled by love. He was in love with Rosaline, but then goes into depression when she does not agree to his wishes. This is when he sees Juliet and falls in love at first sight. His feelings always seem to be at extremes.

After marrying, Romeo's relationship with Juliet becomes even complex and involves many factors other than themselves. An important moment occurs when Romeo encounters his old enemy Tybalt, who he is now related to by marriage. He tries to avoid violence as well, but if he wants revenge he will get it. Romeo eventually responds to Tybalt's challenge and kills him in a fight after Tybalt killed Mercutio. He's very good friends with Mercutio, and Benvolio is his cousin. Unfortunately, for this murder, Romeo is banished to Mantua and separated from his new bride. When he receives word, mistakenly, that Juliet is dead; Romeo is devastated and immediately decides to join her. He goes to Juliet's grave where he meets Paris, and kills him. After that Romeo finds Juliet's seemingly lifeless body in the tomb and says, "I will stay with thee and never from this palace of dim night. Depart again". With that, Romeo kills himself by drinking poison. Committing suicide is Romeo's final and most profound act in his pursuit of Juliet.

Juliet is the beautiful and only daughter of the Capulets. She’s still a young girl when the play begins, not yet 14, as we know by the Nurse "Even or odd, of all days in the year, Come Lammas Eve at night shall she be fourteen”. When Juliet sees Romeo at the Capulet's party, she instantly falls in love with him. Within a matter of hours, Romeo becomes the single most important person in her life. She decides that she wants to marry him, even though she knows that he is a Montague the son of her family's mortal enemies. Therefore, thinking with her heart, she decides to meet Romeo at Friar Laurence's cell, and marry him. Until she met Romeo she did not care for marriage or love. But, she falls in love at first sight with him, at the party she was supposed to know Paris, her fiance. But Juliet is much more than just a pretty face. She's smart, witty, and determined. She knows what she wants, and she gets it. It's Juliet, after all, who proposes to Romeo, not the other way around: "If that thy bent of love be honorable, Thy purpose marriage,


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