- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

No puedo creer que tenía que ver

Enviado por   •  15 de Octubre de 2012  •  Tesis  •  268 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  343 Visitas

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can’t believe I had to see

The girl of my dreams cheating on me

The pain you caused has left me dead inside

I’m gonna make sure you regret that night

I feel you close, I feel you breathe

And now it’s like you’re here

You’re haunting me

You’re out of line

You’re out of sight

You’re the reason that we started this fight

But I know I just gotta let it go

I should’a known

I gotta learn to say goodbye now

I throw my armour down

And leave the battleground

For the final time now

I know I’m running from a warzone

In our house, I hate that place

Everywhere I walk I see your face

Try to erase a memory with a flame

And hope I never see you again

Standing here in this burning room

You know the end could never come so soon

It’s clear to me the lies you use

The ones that kill me ain’t hurting you

So I know I just gotta let it go

I shoulda’ known

I gotta learn to say goodbye now

I throw my armour down

And leave the battleground

For the final time now

I know I’m running from a warzone

I’m running from a warzone

I can’t do this anymore

I’m running from a warzone

What are we fighting for?

I’m running from a warzone

I know I just gotta let it go

I shoulda’ known

I gotta learn to say goodbye now

I throw my armour down

And leave the battleground

For the final time now

I know I’m running from a warzone


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