- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Analisis de la empresa "Tortelin"

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Final Project - Company “Tortelin”  




Instructor: Soraya Elena Meza Letorna




     Amanzo Jesus, Paul Jeferson

     Acosta Alva, Italo Omar

     Gavidia Medina, Sebastian

     Toledo Henostroza, Aracelly


In the present research work has been carried out the elaboration of a study on the company "Tortelin" focused on different points that the company handles, among them is presented its history from its origins, revealing its origin and mission of the company, as well as the strategies that aspires to reach the year.

Additional points are seen as the description of the organizational culture of the company, the swoat analysis and many points that have great relevance with the human resources side such as the organizational structure, number of collaborators, the management given to this area, the competition model, the parameters that the company handles for the recruitment and selection of new personnel, their paid training and others.


The organization system in a company is a structure that defines how the different activities and resources within the organization are divided, coordinated and managed. The efficient and effective organization is fundamental for the success of any company, since it allows to make the most of the available resources and to achieve the established objectives.

Within this structure, human capital management plays a crucial role. Human capital refers to the set of knowledge, skills, experiences and competencies possessed by the employees of an organization. It is the human factor that drives the operation of the company, so its proper management is essential to promote productivity, innovation and growth.

Human capital management is responsible for various activities, such as recruitment and selection of personnel, training and development, performance evaluation, compensation and benefits, and promotion of labor well-being. The objective is to create a motivating and healthy work environment, where employees can unfold their potential and contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives.

With everything mentioned above, the question arises as to whether all companies have a correct organizational system and if the management of human capital is adequate. So in this work will focus on analyzing the "Tortelini" pastry in these aspects.

  1. History of the company

"Tortelin" is a company that has more than 20 years since its operation. It was created to meet the needs of the population of San Juan de Lurigancho and El Agustino in the year 2000, since in those years there were not many pastry shops in that area. It currently has 7 branches located in Lima East and Lima Centro.

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1.1 Mision

To be the best company in the pastry sector of Lima East and the center of the city of Lima.

1.2 Vision

Satisfy with quality products the need for cakes in Lima East and Lima Center.

  1.  Strategic goals for the year or period
  • To draw clients and maintain the menu's freshness, introduce novel and creative pastry products. Conduct market research to find new trends and consumer preferences to inform the development of new products.
  • Maintain a high standard of quality for all items. To ensure that the pastries meet or beyond client expectations, put quality control methods in place, such as frequent taste tests. Teach baking techniques to the workers and urge attention to detail.
  • Create a thorough marketing plan to increase brand recognition and draw in new clients. To advertise the pastry shop, use social media platforms, produce interesting material, and work with bloggers or influencers. Spend money on expert food photography to highlight the goods. Tortelin's social networks are active, yes, but they have not yet taken off as much as desired.
  • Engage with clients through numerous platforms to cultivate strong relationships. To share special deals, events, and information, use social media channels, newsletters, and loyalty programs. To demonstrate that customers' suggestions are valued, encourage feedback and take it into consideration. In the past years before the pandemic, special receptions were held in each establishment for almost every holiday of the year (Mother's Day, national holidays, Christmas, etc.).
  • Spend money on ongoing training for staff members to advance their abilities and understanding. Offer seminars or formal training on food safety, new baking methods, and customer service. Excellent service can be provided by well-trained workers, which will benefit the pastry shop as a whole. This is a point that is currently being made by the company, with its advisory programs, but it is always good to keep improving.
  • Gather and evaluate client input on a regular basis to spot potential improvement opportunities. Customers should be encouraged to submit feedback via surveys or online reviews. Actively participate in consumer feedback and quickly resolve any issues. Utilize the feedback to spot trends, develop your offerings, and improve the client experience as a whole.

  1. Description of organizational culture

Based on values, mainly honesty, loyalty, punctuality and kindness. In the case of the organization chart, there is a general manager, external accountant, internal accounting assistant, administrative assistant, commercial operative, stores, store manager, sales personnel.

  1.  Company's expanded SWOAT ANALYSIS

SWOT Analysis





  • High quality pastry products
  • Attentive to customer feedback
  • Affordable prices to the client
  • Malfunction of the official page
  • Unsatisfactory customer service
  • Events with additional services
  • Promotion through social networks
  • Companies with the same approach
  • Provider Issues


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