- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  23 de Enero de 2014  •  Informe  •  366 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  241 Visitas

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The story starts with Lord Henry Wotton and the painter Basil Hallward, they are at Basil’s garden. Lord Henry asks to Basil why he doesn’t want to show his picture unfinished yet, in the picture there is a man with a great loveliness. Hallward tells to Henry that he felt a kind of love for Dorian Grey when he met him. Henry feels the desire to meet to the beauty and young man.

Dorian is waiting for Basil into the house, so Basil introduces to Dorian with Lord Henry. The painter starts his work, Henry talk with Dorian and flatters about his great beauty and youth, he encourages him to leave the fears and live to the fullest, enjoy the life because when people grew old, they regrets for the time that they waste in rubbishes.

When Basil finish, he shows the picture to his friends. Dorian feels sad because he knows that he youth someday going to leave him, the painter feels sad to, so he tries to destroy his work, but Dorian doesn’t allow it and desires that he can keep young ever and picture will grow old by him.

A month later Lord Henry visits to Dorian at his house, they talk about Basil, and Dorian tells to him that Basil sends the picture already. Too, Dorian tells to him about a girl that he met in a play, she’s an actress and he’s really love with her, so Dorian invites to Lord Henry and Basil to the play.

They go to the play, Sybil, the girl, stars to act badly, the public feel disappointed and Dorian too, but he stays there until the end. When the play finishes he goes to the back stage and talk with her, he says that they can’t continue together, she prays to him for he doesn’t leave her but this doesn’t mind to him and he goes.

He arrives at his home at daybreak, he goes to the library and shares the picture to gazes at it and suddenly he notices something wrong in the picture, a touch of unkindness about the face with hard lines around the mouth. So he remembers his word at Basil’s house “If only I could...


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