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Ejemplo de análisis de cuenta de Adwords

Enviado por   •  3 de Septiembre de 2018  •  Prácticas o problemas  •  427 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  63 Visitas

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It had 3 enabled search campaigns, but only 2 with enable ad groups.

The idea is to do 3 campaigns, as it has now, one for Edmonton, other for Sherwood Park and other for the little towns near Edmonton.

Budget: Now it has set CA$5000 per day, but of course it is not spending this, it just spent $418.81 the last 30 days.

How much is the monthly budget?

Settings: As the budget is not being consumed, I think it should use accelerated delivery method. If I’m going to optimize the campaign every week, ad rotation should be rotate ads indefinitely, so we can do A/B test.

Ad groups: It had 12 ad groups between the 2 campaigns, but only 3 with clicks in the past 30 days, Sherwood Park Deleted Files Data Recovery, Edmonton Data Recovery and Edmonton Hard Drive Recovery. The name of the ad groups has Edmonton on it, but it doesn’t have Edmonton on the keywords.

Keywords: Too many keywords on each ad group. The keywords are fine, most of them are phrase match type, and there are some broad match type keywords. It is not advisable to use broad match type, instead it is better to use broad modifier match type. I think it is better to put no more than 10-15, instead of too many keywords I’d put some broad modifier keyword, with less keywords, to have a better ad for the keywords. I’m going to do a new keyword research.

Ads: It had only 1 ad per ad group. The ads are fine, but it’d be better to have at least 2 ads to do A/B test. Also, the ad should go to a specific landing page for each service.

Ad extensions: It has call extension, location extension and callout extension. It could use sitelink extension, structured snippet extension, price extension, and maybe you can do a promotion with a discount for limited time and use promotion extension.

Conversions: The only conversions in the past days were the new Google automatic conversions (Google hosted conversions). The conversions set on the account by the account manager are not working or didn’t have conversions on the past 30 days. It’d be good to put the website call conversion to track how many people call to the number after seeing it on the web site.

Account management

I will maintain the campaign structure but I’m going to make the changes I wrote on top.  This first step will take me 5 hours.  Then it would be 2 hours per week to optimize the campaign. My rate is $33 per hour.


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