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Galaxy Class Phone

Enviado por   •  17 de Febrero de 2014  •  204 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  140 Visitas

Galaxy Class Phone

The Galaxy s4 is a refined idea of model S3 is plastic and is available in black and white, has a spectacular view angle and bright colors. In this model there is the possibility to open the back and to give access to the battery and the microSD card. Your headphones have great power and great sound.

The Galaxy S4 is the fastest smartphone to date and there is support so you can run the 4.2.2 version of Android.

On the multimedia front part has a 2 megapixel camera and a main 13 megapixel and both are of good quality, as curious can use both cameras to put your face in photographs. Playback of music and video on the S4 are first class: the phone is compatible with almost all the expected formats, you can use the application Dropbox and Google but not Facebook libraries

The quality of this phone is much more than what we were used to seeing in the past.

The features that comprise this phone is that it has a home screen easy to handle, quick start, showing only the apps, icons and tools

“The Samsung Galaxy S4 has a million ideas and needs to share all of them, right now”


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