- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingeniero En Electrónica Y Comunicaciones

Enviado por   •  5 de Mayo de 2014  •  454 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  311 Visitas

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Compile: The program that we introduced is reviewed line by line in order to detect errors.

Compile: Translating the programming language used in the Robot Karel to the language of the machine that uses the computer.

New: This button is used to start the capture of a new program in Karel.

Open: This button is used to open a program in Karel that is in some storage unit

Save as: This button is used to save, for the first time the program, or for changing the name of the program that we are editing.

Save: This button is used to save the last performed actions in the program that is being edited

Print: This button is used to send the program to the printer.

Cut: It is used to cut a series of statements in order to move them to other part of the program, we have to select first the block of statements to cut.

Copy: It is used to make a copy of a series of statements in order to duplicate them to other part of the program, we have to select first the block of statements to copy.

Paste: It is in charge to move or to duplicate to other part of the program the series pf statements that were selected and cut or copied.

Execute: The section or tag, first any information is displayed

Initialize: From the left side of the screen the program that we are editing and from the right side the world we have designed previously in the same session

Initialize: Being in the Execute section or tag, give a click on this button; then appears the program and the initial world, besides it is used the necessary times to “initialize” again the program just clicking on it

Run: Click on this button to run the program; it could be observed in a simultaneous way the execution of each step in the program and the performed task by Karel in the world of Karel

Step: This button is used to observe the performing of just one step or statement of Karel ahead of the program, it does not matter the place where the line of execution is located

Unstep: This button is used to observe the performing of just one step back of the program, it does not matter the place where the line of execution is located

Steps/Min: This text box is used to modify the velocity of execution of the program and it is established in “steps per minute”

The bag: Is the made reference to the bag of the Robot

The sensors: The sensors are instructions used to detect the conditions of the environment of Karel the Robot and they are included inside a command.

20Syntax: The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language


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