- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  13 de Abril de 2014  •  252 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  154 Visitas

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Language in Argentina

Although Argentina's official language is Spanish, Argentinian Spanish is different from the Spanish spoken in Spain. In some ways it sounds more like Italian than Spanish. There are also many other languages spoken in Argentina, including Italian, German, English and French. Indigenous languages that are spoken today include Tehuelche, Guarani and Quechua.

Argentinean Society & Culture

Europeans or Latin Americans?

Most Argentines are primarily of European descent, which separates them from other Latin American countries where European and Indian cultures are more mixed.

Culturally and emotionally, Argentines often seem more European than Latin American.

Argentinean Family Values

The family is the centre of Argentine life with extended families still having prominence.

The heads of powerful families command widespread respect, but with this comes a responsibility to care for others in terms of security, jobs, etc and to maintain personal and family honour.

Honour is in all respects the be all and end all and it routinely affects day-to-day life at home, in the community and in business.

Religion in Argentina

The Argentine constitution guarantees religious freedom.

Roman Catholicism acts as the official state religion.

Other world religions, notably Islam, are gaining a foothold within the country during the last ten to fifteen years.

Expressive Communication Style

Argentines are on the whole open, blunt, and direct, yet are able to remain tactful and diplomatic.

Argentines are a warm peoples and their unreservedness brings to the fore their passion and sentimentality.

In addition they are close communicators physically so will often touch each other when speaking and maintain little physical distance between speakers.


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