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Death Penalty. My Opinion.

Enviado por   •  24 de Febrero de 2014  •  231 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  228 Visitas

If you ask me about death penalty, my opinion will be clear and concise: I'm in total disagreement. In my opinion, if we take the case of a person who does a serious crime, like to murder or to rape someone, this person is going to suffer much more if life imprisonment is assigned to him that if he's executed. I think that if he's executed, he's not going to suffer enough because he would die in just a second, almost without realizing it, nevertheless, if you enclose during all his life a person without possibility of freedom, he's algo going to die, but he will suffer more.

According to the words of people who's in favour death penalty, they often say that penalty death is effective in reducing crime and cheaper, and that's other aspect in which i'm desagree, because for surprise to many people, study after study the experts have come to the conclusion that th

e death penalty is more expensive than life in prison. Besides, the death penalty doesn't keep us safer, in this case E.E.U.U serves to illustrate us, because in states that the death penalty is used the murdered rates are higher than for those that don't.

Also, we have to considerer that there have been cases where people were executed when they were innocent. That's a reason for think that we, humans being, are doing something bad...


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