- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Human wonders

Enviado por   •  16 de Abril de 2015  •  Prácticas o problemas  •  646 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  278 Visitas

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Human wonders

That’s expensive

Complete the questions with superlatives then match the questions with the correct pictures and information below.

1) What’s the most expensive musical instrument ever sold? ( H )

2) Which country has the longest in the world? ( F )

3) What sport has the most fans in the world? ( c )

4) Who’s the youngest number one classical artist? ( E )

5) Where’s the smallest house in the world? ( G )

6) What’s the most famous statue in the United States? ( B )

7) What’s one of the tallest hotels in the world? ( A )

8) What’s the fastest car in the world? ( D )

It sure is!!!

Complete the conversation use superlative adjectives

This airplane is so big

Yeah it’s the biggest airplane I’ve ever been on.

It’s very easy to get to the airport by subway

Yes the subway is ……………. Way to get there.

This restaurant isn’t really expensive at all.

I know it’s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, restaurant in the city.

This subway is very crowded.

It sure is its always……………… subway line.

That’s a large cruise ship!!!!

It’s the queen Mary 2. Its ………….cruise ship in the world

That guy over there is very thin.

You’re right he’s …………………… person I’ve ever seen.

This is a pretty good price for these pants.

Yes it is actually I think this store has………….. price in the mall

This is nice gallery but the new exhibitions has some really bad paintings yeah they’re some of …………… paintings I’ve ever seen.

About you

Complete the questions with superlatives. Then write true answers

1) Where’s the cheapest place to go shopping around here?

The cheapest place to go shopping is downtown

2) And where’s the badest place to go shopping?


3) Which neighborhood has nicest restaurant?


4) What’s quietest neighborhood in your city?


5) What’s amzingest building you’ve ever seen?


6) Whats busiest street in your city?


7) Whats wonderfulest city you’ve ever visited?



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