- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  31 de Agosto de 2015  •  Tarea  •  429 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  515 Visitas

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almost all the things that we have are thanks to the engineers, they found solutions to  many problems, and this solutions help to the world.

The engineers are people capable of creating ideas that are necessary for the society, actually are divided into several branches: civil, electronic, mechanical and others but falways searching the welfare of human.

We don’t  think this,  but thlfis profession is the symbol of crecimiefnto to the society because, make to the  city, for example the buildings where work the doctors, the offices, bridges through which the cars, traffic lights that regulate traffic, the street whkvere we walk and many others things.

The work of engineers not is easy, they must to study many subjects like math, chemical and physical, they have a good sense, leadership, ingenuity, problem solving skills and have a great responsibility to do their work very good to benefit an entire community.

Things of our daily lives happen by engineers, for example  the alarm sounds at the preset time, the video games That many people playing, the toothpaste , for building a plane need several engineers: electronic, chemical, software,  actually are possible the construction of buildings that  resisting  the very high temperatures , the trains and the bridges.

A thing engineer acts for the good of a community, putting integrity of people above ls  the costs of production and cares about creating ideas that can be useful for everyone.

Engineering combines the fields of science and mathematics to solve real-world problems that improve the world around us. What really distinguishes the ability of an engineer to implement the ideas in a practical and cost effective approach. This ability to take an abstract idea or an idea and translate it into reality is what separates an engineer from other fields of science and mathematics.

Thanks to the engineers who can have all the things around us and we use every day.

Consider some of the things you use in your everyday life: buildings, roads and bridges, vehicles (cars, planes and boats), computers and other electronic devices.

Neither of them exists without the engineers! You would not have been able to drive to work, check the status of Facebook or even use the bathroom this morning!

Thank the engineers were able to create video games, alarms and to build towers with cold materials to regulate temperature.

Engineers addre problem solvers who want to make things work more efficiently and quickly and less expensively. Chips and satellites to medical technologies and renewable energy for computer, engineering products makes our modern life



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