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Luck. Ingles

Enviado por   •  3 de Septiembre de 2013  •  279 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  324 Visitas

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It is an event which occurs beyond one's control, without regard to one's will, intention, or desired result. According to statistics it’s possible to say that luck is the positive result of an unlikely fact after reduced number of attempts.

We can find two types of luck. In the prescriptive sense, luck is a supernatural concept that says there are forces (e.g. gods or spirits) which prescribe that certain events occur very much the way laws of physics will prescribe that certain events occur. It is the prescriptive sense that people mean when they say they "do not believe in luck". In the descriptive sense, luck is a word people give after the occurrence of events which they find to be fortuitous and maybe improbable.

Within the concept of luck, comes the word superstition that means supernatural causality (one event leads to the cause of another without any natural process linking the two events) it has no rational foundations for example: Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day. A rabbit's foot brings good luck. Step on a crack; break your mother's back.

Some religions don’t believe in luck instead they believe in Karma, it is the result of the good and bad actions, thoughts, etc. of all our past lives. All events in our lifetime whether good or bad depend on the Karma.

Luck is everywhere, for example in games; like dominoes or those ones that include throwing a dice; in Lottery, numerology or even resolving issues.

There are things that represent bad or good luck; like black cats, broken mirrors and stuffed animals are related to bad luck, the four leaf clover, horseshoes and number 7 mean good luck.


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