- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Match The Colums

Enviado por   •  4 de Agosto de 2012  •  392 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  439 Visitas

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a)George Washington ( c ) year in wich appointed the committee of five

b) July 4th of 1776 ( a ) war leader of Britain

c) 1776 ( b ) day when the declaration was signed of independence

d) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, ( d ) important figures of independence of the united state

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin


-In 1776 the country proclaimed its formal separation Arab empire

R=in 1776 the country proclaimed its formal separation Britain empire

-the declaration of the United States was on September 10

R=the declaration of the United States was on july 4

The war of independence of the united states generated a conflict between the 15 colonies

R=the war of independence of the united states generated a conflict between the 13 colonies

China won the victory over France in the war 7 years

R= great Britain won the victory over France in the war 7 years


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