- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Oral Exam

Enviado por   •  26 de Junio de 2013  •  386 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  316 Visitas

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R: good morning, welcome to the Hilton hotel, what can I do for you

G: good morning, my name is John Adams I have a reservation for a double room for 1 week

R: alright, mr Adams let me pull up your reservation.

R: yes, mr Adams we’ve reserved a single room for 1 week, is correct?

G: yes, it is.-

R: mr Adams I would have service or full board, half board or bed and breakfast?

G: mmm, what is, and how much each service?

R: ok mr Adams let me show you explain, the full board includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, the half board includes breakfast and dinner, finally bed and breakfast just includes bed and breakfast, and prices are usd $ 100, usd$ 75, and usd$ 50 respectively

G: ahh ok, I take or full board

R: mr Adams, the service or breakfast begins 7 am or 10:30 am, the lunch from 12:30 pm to 16:00 pm, and the dinner starts 19:00 pm a 22:30 pm hrs.

G: excellent, no problem.

G: what about the wireless internet, pool and gym?

R: this is your access code, and this is a list of all the hotel amenities, like the gym and the indoor pool

G: thank you very much

R: you’re welcome

R: could I have some form of ID please?

R: and could you just fill out this registration form?

G: sure, here’s my driver’s license.-

R; thank you, oh you’re from London, I hope you had a good trip

G: yes, I did thank you, the flight was long, but it was smooth and I slept almost the whole way.

R: alright. I’ve got you all checked in to your room

R: this is your room key, you are in room 1408, just take the elevator on the right up to the 14th floor. Your room is at the end of the corridor on the left-hand side.

G:ok, thank you so much

R: my pleasure

R: if you need anything please feel free to dial the front desk.

G: yes, I need to eat, I am very hungry, what type of meal does the hotel have?

R: the hotel has a variety of sandwichs or dishes fast, here give him a menu with the dishes and drinks, to ask only call to the from desk.

G: ok, thanks

G: could you put it on my bill, please ?

R: ok mr Adams, and enjoy your stay

G: thank you


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