- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Pedagia humana semana 1

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Product distribution will be made using own transport company with prior knowledge of the order requested .The team will take care of getting the product to retail stores intermediary composed separate markets and shopping centers or others. Once demand increases consider hiring one or two drivers, vendors to perform this operation.

The nature of the product and the type of market to which our project is focused indicates that this marketing channel is the most reliable and affordable insurance.

Thus each of the functions of each are based on the following which are interrelated:

The producer is responsible for defining the marketing mix that is going to hit the market, including product, price, promotion and distribution or square. That mix should be attractive and differentiated to the target segment to provoke a desire to fast and effective purchase.

The importance of the wholesale and retail market is such that activities directly related to the products and services to people who buy in order to resell or commercial purpose. Then I present the characteristics that define both the wholesale and retail trade.


The wholesale intermediary is natural or juridical person selling to another natural or legal person who has the courage to sell, in turn, the consumer or end user.

The wholesale function is characterized by:

  1. Buying in bulk. This implies the need for the necessary funding.

  1. Stokage in large quantities, for which it is necessary to have large areas to store and give movement to the goods, as well as necessary to keep the product in optimum conditions that require facilities.

  1. The wholesaler has to divide the goods to resell and provide retailers, according to their purchasing power.
  1. The wholesaler will have a sales team and a commercial service to visit the retailers, in addition to logistical support to split orders, shipping, distribution ... and with the relevant management and control of these services.
  1. The wholesaler pays big orders, which allows the manufacturer a constant supply of financial flows.
  1. The wholesaler has as much interest as the manufacturer to sell the products, which participates actively in the sale, retailers prospecting, visiting, etc.
  1. With regard to retailers, the wholesaler has an important role in the information, especially retailers that are not located in urban areas and not for wholesalers would not have knowledge of the products, services, etc.
  1. The existence of wholesalers to retailers free of possession of large amounts of stock.
  1. Due to the ability of stokage, the wholesaler can access lower prices than the retailer, reversing in this part of this advantage.
  1. The retailer makes their purchases from a wholesaler is an administrative ease, since only buy a few suppliers, allowing you to lighten the work order and the related administrative support, assuming that, therefore, lower cost and more easily of work.


The retailer or retailer is the natural or legal person who sells consumer or user of a product, without other intermediary.

The retail function is characterized by:

  1. It facilitates the purchase so that consumers find the products they want, where and when needed, in the quantity of consumption or use logic.

  1. He is a specialist in sales, facilities and staff close to the final consumer.

  1. For the manufacturer can be a channel of useful information.
  1. It is a distribution-channel communication that can make Company presents and to allow adequate exposure to the product at the point of sale (merchandising).
  1. It is a service provider, such as adjusting the volume or purchase the retail consumer store products, purchased in advance (for products of fashion or season), finance, etc.
  1. Of all the distribution channels is the one with the most direct contact with the consumer.


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