- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Personal identification

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Planeaciones 1° "F"


CLAVE: ES 347-16 C.T. 21DES0016D

28 NORTE N° 1204 COL. HUMBOLD TEL. 2 35 81 51


Nombre del docente: Patricia Leyva Córdova. Grupos: 1° F

Asignaturas: English Fecha: JANUARY 7th – 9TH 2015 Semana:

Bimestre: 3 Bloque: 3 Proyecto: DAILY LIFE

Temas: Personal identification, greetings, May I…? How to greet to your English teacher? /Classroom Language.

Propósitos: Students will remember and practice the use of the greetings inside of the classroom. Students will learn and recognize the instructions inside the classroom.

Aprendizajes esperados: They will be able to use and understand greeting in the classroom.

Competencias a desarrollar: To be in contact with the language, and the competence in linguistic communication.

Actividades para empezar bien el día: To greet to the students and asks what greet we use here in Mexico.

Ejercicios de lectura, escritura, y razonamiento matemático: Read instructions, complete the short dialogues and exercises from the book.

Observaciones: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sesiones Lo que hace el maestro. Lo que hace el alumno. Estrategia de evaluación.


Personal identification, greetings, May I…?

Teacher shows pictures with a clock, students tell the correct greeting to each picture.

Teacher explains the topic (greetings) and gives some examples of that.

How to greet to your English teacher?

Teacher shows to the students a poster with three possible greeting to say hello and goodbye.

Teacher asks some students to pass in front of the board and unscramble the letter and discover the greeting expression.

Classroom Language.

Teacher shows to the students recognize the following instructions: sit down and stand up. Teacher performance the activity and then students following teacher’s instructions.

---Students tell the correct greeting to each picture.

Students pass in front of the board and unscramble the letter and discover the greeting expression.

---Students draw a picture according to the greeting expression.

Students perform the dialogue; teacher helps them to pronounce it.

----Students move in pairs and give instructions to their partner and vice versa.

Students match the correct instructions with the picture.

---Students put in practice the questions and phrases to greet a person.

Students remember the writing of the greeting expressions.

---Students work in teams to solve the problem.

Students put in practice the dialogue’s pronunciation.

Students practice and solve the activities from their books.

Students identify the meaning of the questions and answer orally.

__________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________

Profr. Patricia Leyva Córdova. Mtra. Esperanza Sosa Meza. Mtro. José Othón Rojas Olarte.

Subdirectora del T. M. Director de la escuela.

Planeaciones 1° "F"


CLAVE: ES 347-16 C.T. 21DES0016D

28 NORTE N° 1204 COL. HUMBOLD TEL. 2 35 81 51


Nombre del docente: Patricia Leyva Córdova. Grupos: 1° F

Asignaturas: English Fecha: JANUARY 12th -16th 2015 Semana:

Bimestre: 3 Bloque: 3 Proyecto: DAILY LIFE

Temas: Personal identification, greetings, May I…? How to greet to your English teacher? /Classroom Language.

Propósitos: Students will remember and practice the use of the greetings inside of the classroom. Students will learn and recognize the instructions inside the classroom.

Aprendizajes esperados: They will be able to use and understand greeting in the classroom.

Competencias a desarrollar: To be in contact with the language, and the competence in linguistic communication.

Actividades para empezar bien el día: To greet to the students and asks what greet we use here in Mexico.

Ejercicios de lectura, escritura, y razonamiento matemático: Read instructions, complete the short dialogues and exercises from the book.

Observaciones: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sesiones Lo que hace el maestro. Lo que hace el alumno. Estrategia de evaluación.


Personal identification, greetings, May I…?

Teacher shows pictures with a clock, students tell the correct greeting to each picture.

Teacher explains the topic (greetings) and gives some examples of that.

How to greet to your English teacher?

Teacher shows to the students a poster with three possible greeting to say hello and goodbye.

Teacher asks some students to pass in front of the board and unscramble the letter and discover the greeting expression.

Classroom Language.

Teacher shows to the students recognize the following instructions: sit down and stand up. Teacher performance the activity and then students following teacher’s instructions.

---Students tell the correct greeting to each picture.

Students pass in front of the board and unscramble the letter and discover


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