- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Proyecto Ingles

Enviado por   •  15 de Febrero de 2012  •  412 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  715 Visitas

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The perfect date


Product -1

• She is tall, thin, black long hair, brown eyes clear and mixed color.

• The qualities are that it is a very honest, cheerful, responsible, fun, Kind, tolerant solidarity, understanding, patient, loving, and dreaming.

• The ideal person is a childhood friend, which I know the weather is fine and shared some qualities and I know she is the ideal person for appointment.

• My fortress is that I do not surrender face any adversity that comes in life, I always want to get ahead and meet the goals I proposed.


Product -3

• My favorite places to have the ideal date. The first would be in a park, the second in fancy restaurant and the third on a beach.

• In the first in a park, park life in Armenia, to be in the middle of nature.

• At the first appointment in the park casual wear.

• In the second race in the restaurant elegant clothes.


Product -5

• Hi how are you? Sara.

 Hello good morning.

• If you remember me is that it is time no see.

 Jonathan Ah, I remember is that you do not recognize.

 Looks like you've lost weight,

and as before I was a little chubby.

• Hahaha!

 What are you doing here in the park?

• I was passing as the day is beautiful.

 Do you like have you been?

• Good working and fighting.

• If you remember how well that Sara had when we were kids.

 If I recall.

• We play every day; I liked to invent a different game each day.

 If like that time you wanted to make a cardboard camcorder.

 And I am very well done, with all effect.

• If clear.

 But it was fun.

 Where are you living now?

• Here in the capital, and you.

 Also.

 Can you give me your phone is that I lost?

• Hi Sara.

 Hello Jonathan.

• How have you been?

 Good and you.

• I also went well.

 Nice message you sent me mail.

• It was nothing.

 This restaurant is seen to be very elegant.

• It is special for the occasion.

• Seriously.

• Of course I'm not kidding, moving on.

• A table for two please

o Yes sir

• What would you like to order from the menu

 I would like a tray of breaded squid.

• I'd like a Salmon Carpaccio tray.

o We are at your service, sir and ma'am.

• Thank you.

• How did you feel in


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