- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Receta De Panqueques Y Emparedado

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CALUSAC School of Languages

Matter: Level 3 English

Teacher: Dagmara Payés

Date Opened: June 21, 2014


Recipes for sandwich, pancakes and Fruit Smoothie.

Student Name: Student ID number:

1. Edvin Salazar 3303860

2. Daniel Pérez 3611090

3. Gilberto Carías 3404048

4. Alejandro Hernández 3401093

5. Jordy Pérez 3384274

6. Carlos Bolaños 3360403

Guatemala, June 21, 2014

Chicken breast sandwich with tomatoes, onions and peppers.

Expositor: Gilberto Carias


• 12 to 18 slices of bread (depends if you want to make 1 or 2 story)

• 6 chicken breasts cut into steaks

• 3 cloves garlic, minced Tender

• 3 scallions, thinly sliced

• leaves clean and dry lettuce

• 3 tomatoes, washed and sliced

• 2 red peppers, roasted and cut into strips

• a little thyme or chopped parsley (which is preferred)

• butter

• mayonnaise

• a little olive oil

• salt and pepper

Expositor: Alejandro Hernández


Preparation of chicken breast sandwich with tomatoes, onions and peppers in a bowl, mix the garlic with thyme or parsley, salt and pepper and a little olive oil. Add to this marinade sliced chicken breasts and leave for a while in the fridge to aromatize either. Meanwhile pass grilled scallions cut into very thin slices, so they are browned Toast the slices of bread with a little butter. Once the marinade last time, do the chicken in a pan with a little oil. Spread each slice of bread with a little mayonnaise, put a sheet on top of lettuce, tomato and then finally the chicken, onion slices and strips of roasted red pepper. If you want to put a little mayonnaise and cover with another slice of bread, cut into triangles and serve fresh with a side of fries or potato chips and sauce separately if desired and a salad.

Fruit Smoothie

Expositor: Carlos Bolaños


• 1 1/2 cup orange juice

• 1 cup water or milk can be

• 1 cup blueberries (preferably frozen)

• 1 banana

• 1 cup collard greens (kale)


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