- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  18 de Noviembre de 2016  •  Ensayos  •  476 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  97 Visitas

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Have you ever been abroad and did a video call and kept in touch with your relatives? What if you couldn’t do it for free? Technological dependence is that people in one way or another is linked to technology, if this is not an obvious reality today? We have two ways to live with it, making good use or escape the world for electronics. Even though many people may think that society’s depending on technology is harmful, we can’t deny that new technologies have helped our lives in every aspect, as well as in our job, our learning and our daily life.

In the early years, machines have replaced human work, however, it must also be recognized that this replaced work was very hard and difficult to do. It helped business make more money and serve customers in time (efficient). Besides, technology in the work can help us in the fast research of information, save paper and file digitalization and conservation.

Some teachers consider that the use of technology in class don’t benefit the critical thinking in the students. Even though, a large number of others use this excess of information to strengthen and improve the right selection of data. New technologies’ role at school is to function as a complement of class books. It makes the process of learning become funny and motivational. Also, it provides new methods about teaching and assessment, resulting a suitable and adequate education for students.

One great part of young generations overuses their technological devices, focusing in social networks and chats. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t judge the use of gadgets because the major elements around us are electronic or connected to the net. In our daily life, we use different devices, as well as: appliance to cook and clean home; some apps that make your house securer with the access of cameras in your mobile or to alert if old people need help; and also the access to the net gives the chance to buy and check your bank account online. Moreover, one of the most successful factors influenced by technology is communication. Nowadays, whenever and wherever we are, we can keep in touch with other people around the world. For example, when a family member travels to another country, we can use video calls to feel closer to our relatives, and make us feel like home.

In conclusion, because all reasons exposed previously, the world today has accepted all technologies in one form or another, we can’t deny that technological progress has helped society’s improvement in the long run, in all aspects professional, educative and personal. It is also very important to maintain a responsible attitude, Moreover we have to educate the little ones to make good use. We live alongside technology now and whether you control it or it controls you, remember it has an origin and it started with us.


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