- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The Best Day Of My Life

Enviado por   •  12 de Septiembre de 2014  •  294 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  327 Visitas

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All began one day, where two friends started feeling something strange between each one, the boy wanted to have something with her, but not having tried to persuade she ended with someone else in your heart.

Time after he regretted and said to his friend "If I had shown how much i loved her, I would have been at her side", months after the girl split up with the person she was and returned to speak with he, they got back together so things were slowly giving, the boy didn´t know how to conquer her, so he asked for help to friend.

The friend looked at him as the girl, and asked " you are in love with her, aren´t you?" and he answered yes, then he told him he wanted to be happy with her forever, so the friend answered "if you told her what you feel, you will be happy forever" and he decided to try.

Then he meets with the girl, he had thought all the day how tell her that he wanted to have by his side, but still did not know how. She was a little upset because he had failed to do the promise, then she started talking so angry. However he decides to tell her "You should be my girlfriend, shouldn´t you?"

Finally, She was shocked to hear what he had to say and answered "I do not know", on the other hand the boy was very distressed at her answer, He can´t believe and he asks again "¿Do you want to be my girlfriend?", the girl at the end thinking finally she tells him without any hesitation says "Yes" and it was from there that day that became the best day of my life.


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