- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Todos Los Tiempos Verbales En Ingles

Enviado por   •  11 de Noviembre de 2014  •  1.369 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  235 Visitas

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Am I

Are you

Is he

Is she

Is it

Are we

Are you

are they

PRESENT SIMPLE WITH “TO BE” = USES: Personal Info./ temp conditions / location / feelings / states / characteristics / (time / date/ material -> it only)

Yes I am

Yes You are

Yes He is

Yes She is

Yes It is

Yes We are

Yes You are

Yes they are

Affirmative Sentence Negative Sentence Question Short Answer (+) Short Answer (-)

No I ‘m not

No you aren’t

No he isn’t

No she isn’t

No it isn’t

No we aren’t

No you aren’t

No they aren’t

I am not I ‘m not

You are not You aren’t

He is not He isn’t

She is not She isn’t

It is not It isn’t

We Are not We aren’t

You Are not You aren’t

They Are not They aren’t

I Am I’m

You Are You’re

He Is He’s

She Is She’s

It Is It’s

We Are We’re

You Are You’re

They are They’re

PRESENT SIMPLE WITH OTHER VERBS = Personal Pronoun + verb + complement.

USES: facts, habitual actions, things that don’t/won’t change, describing yourself, timetables.

KEY WORDS: Often, usually, sometimes, never, every day, always, every week

Affirmative Sentence Negative Sentence Question Short Answer (+) Short Answer (-)

I work

You work

he work + s

She work + s

It work + s

We work

You work

They work

I don’t work

You don’t work

he doesn’t work

She doesn’t work

It doesn’t work

We don’t work

You don’t work

They don’t work

Do I work

Do You work

Does he work

Does She work

Does It work

Do We work

Do You work

Do They work

Yes I do

Yes You do

Yes He does

Yes She does

Yes It does

Yes We do

Yes You do

Yes they do

No I don’t

No You don’t

No He doesn’t

No She doesn’t

No It doesn’t

No We don’t

No You don’t

No they don’t

PRESENT CONTINUOUS = to be + verb + ing.

USES: For temporary actions going on now. Or around now. For activities happening in the near future, for planned future events.

KEY WORDS: NOW → This week, now, presently, today, at the moment. FUTURE→ Tomorrow, next year, in June, at Christmas.

Affirmative Sentence Negative Sentence Question Short Answer (+) Short Answer (-)

I ‘m working

You ‘re working

He ‘s working

She ‘s working

It ‘s working

We ‘re working

You ‘re working

They ‘re working

I ‘m not working

You aren’t working

He isn’t working

She isn’t working

It isn’t working

We aren’t working

You aren’t working

They aren’t working

Am I working

Are you working

Is he working

Is she working

Is it working

Are we working

Are you working

Are they working

Yes I am

Yes you are

Yes he is

Yes she is

Yes it is

Yes we are

Yes you are

Yes they are

No I ‘m not

No you aren’t

No he isn’t

No she isn’t

No it isn’t

No we aren’t

No you aren’t

No they aren’t

PRESENT PERFECT = Subject + Have / Has + Past Participle CONTRACTIONS: Have = ‘ve Has = ‘s

USES: Unspecified point in the past. An action that occurred in the past, but has a result in the present. Talking about general experiences (ever, never). Events that recently occurred (just). Event that have NOT occurred up to now (yet). Events that occurred before you expected (already). Events that began in the past and haven’t changed (for, since)

KEY WORDS: ever, never, just, Yet, For, Since, already, so far, up to now, lately

I haven’t studied

You haven’t bought

He hasn’t eaten

She hasn’t written

It hasn’t been

We haven’t won

You haven’t tried

They haven’t forgotten

Affirmative Sentence Negative Sentence Question Short Answer (+) Short Answer (-)

Have I studied

Have you bought

Has he eaten

Has she written

Has it been

Have we won

Have you tried

Have they forgotten

I ‘ve studied

You ‘ve Bought

He ‘s Eaten

She ‘s Written

It ‘s Been

We ‘ve Won

You ‘ve Tried

They ‘ve Forgotten

Yes I have

Yes you have

Yes he has

Yes she has

Yes it has

Yes we have

Yes you have

Yes they have

No I haven’t

No you haven’t

No he hasn’t

No she hasn’t

No it hasn’t

No we haven’t

No you haven’t

No they haven’t

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS = Have / has + been + verb + ing.

USES: Expresses an action that recently stopped or is still going on. It puts emphasis on the duration or course of the action. A finished action that influenced the present.

KEY WORDS: All day, for 4 years, since 1990, for days, all week, lately, recently, over the last few months, the whole week, how long?,

Affirmative Sentence Negative Sentence Question Short Answer (+) Short Answer (-)

No I haven’t

No you haven’t

No he hasn’t

No she hasn’t

No it hasn’t

No we haven’t

No you haven’t

No they haven’t


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