- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Trabajo De Ingles

Enviado por   •  18 de Febrero de 2015  •  253 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  456 Visitas

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1. Now, introduce yourself…

a. Name: My name is Leidy Aguirre Villa.

b. Age: I have 25 years old

c. City where you live: I live in the Medellin City

d. Career : I am a systems engineer

e. Hobbies : I like to travel

f. Likes and dislikes: I don`t like spicy food, I like ice cream, go to movies.

2.1 Update your profile in the virtual campus and send the screen

2. After checking the virtual course, answer the following questions:

2.1 How many environments are there in the virtual room? Mention two links or resources of each one of them.

2.2. Where can you find the Syllabus of the course and how can it help you?

This part of the application guides us on the course structure and information is utildad for us as students

2.3. What kind of information can you find in the News Forum?

In this forum you will find important news related -Activities course, dates, special events, etc. Also, you can find different instructions and tutorials to develop some tasks or procedures within the virtual room.

2.4. How many units are there in the course? Mention 2 topics which belong to each one of them.

The course has two units, unit 1 and unit 2

Unit 1 item:

Compound Adjectives

Modal verbs

Unit 2 item:

Prepositions and phrasal verbs

Prepositions and phrasal verbs

2.5. What is the purpose of the Agenda in the course?

The purpose of the agenda is to indicate the start and end of each of the activities contained in the course


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